Our history and our culture impose on us a deep respect for the raw material and our activity focuses on a production process aimed at offering the best quality of pistachio to all our customers.
We carefully select qualified suppliers from all over the world and guarantee the quality and origin of the raw materials.
All incoming and outgoing products are subjected to accurate sampling, defined by the regulations (EC), which provides the guarantee of a marketed product free from chemical contaminants and pathogens.
We enhance the Sicilian territory with the aim of obtaining an increasingly integrated and monitored supply chain.
We operate in a B2B market where commercial transactions take place mainly within the European market, with a growing demand from non-European markets.
Our main customers are represented by:
Food industries (confectionery, preserves, cured meats and sausages producers);
Distributors for bars, pastry shops, ice cream shops and the HO.RE.CA channel ;
Packer and Co-Packer of the GDO .
Our production model is based on 3 factories located in the Bronte area, each of them dedicated to a specific product processing phase.
In order to prevent and manage the environmental impact, our company pays particular attention to the management of production plants.
In particular, all production plants are equipped with photovoltaic panels that allow the self-production of electricity.
Factory 1
Dedicated to peeling and mincing pistachio.
Factory 2
Dedicated entirely to shelling of pistachio in shell.
Factory 3
Dedicated to the production of pastes .
Thanks to our certifications we are ideal partners for both national and international customers.
The high quality standards and innovative production technologies we use contribute to the realization of our main objectives such as compliance with current regulations on food hygiene, (EU) Regulations for the trade of nuts and production regulations.